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How To Get Rid Of Depression Without Drugs On Your Own Without Medication

 Drugs are supposed to be some sort of cure all for depression and mood disorders, but most of them don't work very well. Here's what you can do to help prevent

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Depression. Get in a routine. If you're depressed, you need a routine, says Ian Cook, MD. 2.Set goals. When you're depressed, you may feel like you can't accomplish anything. Exercise. It temporarily boosts feel-good chemicals called endorphins. Eat healthy. Get enough sleep

Consider why you might feel depressed. Move your body. Never skip a meal. Eat a serotonin-enhancing diet. Avoid caffeine, which reduces serotonin levels. Expose yourself to sunlight, which can boost mood and increase Vitamin D levels.

  1. How To Treat Depression Naturally.
  2. Consider why you might feel depressed. ...
  3. Move your body. ...
  4. Never skip a meal. ...
  5. Eat a serotonin-enhancing diet. ...
  6. Avoid caffeine, which reduces serotonin levels. ...
  7. Expose yourself to sunlight, which can boost mood and increase Vitamin D levels.


Well, I don’t even know where to start. But I guess I’ll start here…

I’m a 25 year old women, turning 26 this year. Just a few years ago I used to be full of life, I was driven and had confidence.

 Over the years, that has changed. The only way that I can explain it, is the other day I read something, where someone had written “When did the future switch from a promise to a threat” and that completely summarises my life. I’m completely afraid right now. I am anxious all of the time and I hate it.

I’m anxious about my financial future. I’ve even developed a debilitating fear of driving – yes driving. I literally begin to get anxiety attacks at the thought of having to go somewhere. It’s so bad that I find myself making excuses to not see my friends just so I won’t have to drive.

I’ve been wanting to start a clothing boutique, I’m from South Africa and I’m supposed to go to Thailand to go shop for clothes and I haven’t even spoken to my agent yet, I guess I’m afraid of the clothing boutique failing. I hardly go out any more because I just never feel good enough about myself. It’s like if I could find a dark room to lock myself into, just to shut the world out, I would. I love my boyfriend to bits but I’m afraid that he’ll cheat on me, sometimes I’m afraid he’ll want to leave me for someone more confident, I’m afraid I’ll push him away. I’ve become so image and body conscious it’s scary.

I’m afraid because I want to turn my life around but I don’t know how to do it on my own. I’m so tired of crying, feeling despair and hurting. I can’t remember the last time I smiled, a real smile – the kind of smile that lights up your soul.

 Instead I suffer from terrible insomnia, I’m always tired and always feel like I’m on the verge of a mental and emotional breakdown. Sometimes I’ll wake up and my heart will just be beating ridiculously fast.

I literally feel paralysed by anxiety and fear.

I am a dreamer, I know that I have so much to offer the world but I just wish that I could stop getting into my own way.

 But right now I don’t how. Bad habits have become a safety net for me. I’m always willing to help others out.

 I love giving back. I love seeing other people happy. Why can’t I make myself happy?

I just need someone who will understand, who can help me and walk me through what to do. I feel so helpless and afraid.

Paralyzed By Fear, Anxiety and Depression

 Just want to let you all know that the scariest thing about depression is the feeling that you are going mad.
 I went through this feeling a while ago, and it was terrifying. I wanted to be alone all the time, but being alone was scary too. I was between a rock and a hard place as they say.

The worse thing for me was the fact that I couldn’t feel comfortable in my own skin. No-where did I feel safe. I felt as though I would never get out of that dark and hellish feeling. However, I did get out and today I am enjoying waking up in the morning

 So you see, when you feel afraid that you will never be ‘whole’ again…remember that it is possible to grab someone’s hand when it is offered. Seek out the Professional help you need. Take the first step.

 I am not afraid…because I know I came back from that dark place. You can do it too. Please get connected to someone who can help you.

 Maybe the circumstances of your life are just too overwhelming. I am a retired Social Worker…but I needed the help from a Counsellor, to change my circumstances. I wish I had asked for help many years ago. Ring your local Council and find out exactly what help is available.

That will be the hardest step…but a step you will not regret when you are walking out in the sunshine again. Look in the front of your telephone book to find out who you can ring…or get a friend to organise it for you.

I send you all my love and I know you can do it…If I can… anyone can.

Everyday I’m anxious of the Unknown! That’s the best way to describe anxiety “fear of the Unknown”…. I get so anxious in many situations, then other days I’m fine and it doesn’t seem like I’m any different!

Mental illnesses are crippling and we can only help ourselves, no body else! It feels like you’re trapped, always tired and always saying ” I’m not well” and people always complaining that I’m always ill!

It’s so hard to control yourself sometimes and people like us, can’t always have control, but that’s what we crave right? I don’t always agree that people can just look past it because to us , it’s a vicious cycle of feeling ill, tired and then hating ourselves for feeling that way, getting angry and then getting panicky because we can’t control our own bodies and mind.

But we can all do this! We are all still here! The panic attacks that make you feel like we won’t make it… But we will! We always do! I’m just so glad im nt the only one!

Ayesha Curry Tweets After Games 7

Here's what Ayesha Curry tweeted after Game 7


Do you approve or disapprove of the 49ers hiring Chip Kelly?

 Image result for chip kelly 49ers

 Great hire in my opinion! I'll be the first to admit I lost faith in kaep over the last 2 years but I would love to see the kid be successful again and prove all the doubters including myself that he can be a starting qb in this league! It would also really help if he can start for us again cause it would allow us to be able to draft possibly a game changing wr or a dominant pass rusher at the 7 spot! I'm way more excited about this next year than I was when I heard tomsula was going to be the head coach! stay faithful my niner brothers and sisters, this team will be back battling for the playoffs next year and we will finally have an offense that is fun to watch!!!

10 it was a great hire for the team glad they got an offensive minded Coach and someone who knows Pete Carroll and has beaten him on a regular basis. In Chip We Trust.

 Given that Kelly has been a great coach in college, a decent coach in Philly, his offense should improve with a QB like Kaep...-2 for York still being there, -2 for Balke still being there...

 Image result for chip kelly 49ers

 All because, all the candidates they interview Chip Kelly is by far my favorite! I wasn't so excited about hiring an old coach there time is done in there days!! This is now and I'm happy with the decision!!! Let's wait and see what he can do!!! At least we have someone with a offensive mind!!! Stay faithful my Niners #Nation!! Go 9ers!!!